Leslie Van Stavern Millar II is an Independent Visual Artist who has been living and working in Western Montana since 1972.
Leslie’s rich life experiences inform her art and art making processes. As a child, Leslie lived for four years in Iran and traveled extensively with her family to Europe. She was fortunate to be exposed to Persian Art, Greek, Roman and Iranian archaeology, European fairy tales, major art museums, life in the bazaar, and visits to exotic locations prior to the development of the contemporary tourist industry.
Leslie is a descended from a line of artists and scientists. Following graduation from Mount Holyoke College, she pursued her interest in art making, incorporating a scientific, investigative approach. Leslie works in series, matching the technique – gouache painting, encaustic (beeswax on wood), a variety of photographic mediums, and printmaking – with a particular theme or concept. She also performs as “Science Woman,” her alter ego, and has been a member of Humanities Montana’s Speaker’s Bureau.
Leslie has a long record of showing in museums and galleries, both regional and national. Her art is included in numerous public and private collections, including the Federal Reserve Bank of Northwest U.S., the University of Montana, the Jundt Art Museum and the Missoula Art Museum. Leslie is the recipient of several Montana Arts Council Grants, five fellowships to the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and exhibition awards.
Leslie takes a leadership role in advocating for public support and visibility for the arts in her community. She is a frequent speaker on panels and interfaces regularly with news media.